Alzheimer's Fast Track Registration

* indicates required information

1. Registrant Information

Registration fee: $400 (includes 3 nights in the hotel, plus meals and workshop content)

By registering for this workshop, BrightFocus Foundation will use the information on this page as well as photos taken during the workshop, on our website and in informational materials. Your email address will be used to send a receipt of your registration.

2. Abstract

Workshop participants are asked to submit an abstract describing their current or planned Alzheimer’s disease research. Copies of this abstract will be shared with other workshop attendees.

Instructions for information to include In the submitted abstract:

  • Abstract title
  • Authors: Please list your name first, and your mentor’s name last.
  • Affiliations: Please list your University/Institution(s) and Department(s).
  • Abstract: 350 words maximum. Please do not include images, figures, or tables in your abstract.
  • Keywords: three words maximum.
  • Document Format: Microsoft Word, file extension saved in .docx. Please name the file with the first and last name of the workshop attendee (i.e. LastName_FirstName.docx). Please do not use commas or double dashes.
  • Page format: 8.5" X 11" letter format (please do not use A4 format).
3. Hotel Reservations

Hotel reservations, which include meals and 3 nights lodging at the Catamaran Resort Hotel in San Diego, are included with your registration fee and will be made on your behalf for the nights of October 30, October 31 and November 1st. You should plan to arrive at the hotel the afternoon/evening of October 30. The workshop will wind up late afternoon on Friday.

Please note that you are responsible for airfare and transportation to and from the workshop.

4. Payment Information


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